Travel Guide

Unveil the secrets of Mauritius, an island paradise brimming with stunning beaches, eclectic cultures, unrivaled wildlife, and delectable cuisine. Explore this exquisite Indian Ocean gem like never before, with our comprehensive travel guide at your fingertips.
Quick Facts
Location Mauritius is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean, near Madagascar and southeast of the African continent.
Capital City The capital city of Mauritius is Port Louis, known for its French colonial architecture and the Champs de Mars horse track.
Language English and French are commonly spoken in Mauritius, although Mauritian Creole is the common language among locals.
Currency The official currency of Mauritius is Mauritian Rupee (MUR).
Climate Mauritius enjoys a tropical climate, with warm weather year-round. There are two seasons: a warm humid summer from November to April, and a cooler dry winter from June to September.
Biodiversity Mauritius is home to some unique species of animals and plants. The dodo, a flightless bird which is now extinct, was native to this island.
Cuisine The cuisine of Mauritius is a blend of Creole, African, Indian, and French influences. Seafood is a staple, and dishes often feature exotic fruits and vegetables.
Tourist Attractions Popular tourist spots include the stunning beaches, the Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens, Seven Coloured Earths of Chamarel, and Black River Gorges National Park.
Cultural Diversity Mauritius is a multicultural society with a blend of Indian, African, European, and Chinese heritages.
Water Sports Mauritius is popular for water sports such as scuba diving, snorkeling, deep-sea fishing, and kite-surfing, thanks to its clear waters and beautiful marine life.

Discover Mauritius

Immerse yourself in the tropical paradise of Mauritius with our ultimate selection of activities and adventures! This jewel in the Indian Ocean is more than just stunning beaches and luxurious resorts. Dive into the azure waters and discover the island's vibrant underwater world, hike through the lush greenery of Black River Gorges National Park, or observe the enchanting Chamarel ferns. Delight your palate with unforgettable Creole cuisine, stroll through the historic Chateau de Labourdonnais, immerse yourself in the spirited world of local rum making, or simply take in the hustle and bustle of lively Port Louis. At dusk, take an exciting night hike through the local forests. Experience firsthand the distinctly rich blend of colors, cultures and flavors that Mauritius has to offer. This diverse utopia tantalizes the senses and invigorates the spirit. Explore Mauritius and create a mosaic of unforgettable memories!

Destinations in Mauritius