Travel Guide

Immerse yourself in the enchanting region of Hovedstaden, the vibrant coastal heart of Denmark. Discover a richly diverse blend of historic charm, modern sophistication, and natural beauty in our comprehensive travel guide. Adventure in Scandinavia starts here!
Quick Facts
Region Definition Hovedstaden is the easternmost region of Denmark, home to the country's capital, Copenhagen.
Largest City Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is the largest city in Hovedstaden.
Historical Significance Hovedstaden hosts many historical landmarks such as the UNESCO World Heritage site, Kronborg Castle.
The Little Mermaid Sculpture The iconic Little Mermaid sculpture, based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, can be found in Hovedstaden.
Population Hovedstaden has a population of around 1.8 million, making it the most densely populated region in Denmark.
Transportation Hovedstaden has an extensive public transportation system that includes buses, trains, and a metro system.
Economy Hovedstaden is the financial hub of Denmark, with many multinational corporations headquartered in this region.
Architecture Hovedstaden is known for its unique blend of modern and historical architecture.
Language While the official language is Danish, English is widely spoken in Hovedstaden due to the high number of international visitors.
Cuisine Travelers can experience a variety of Danish and international cuisine, including the famous Danish pastry or 'Danish,' in Hovedstaden.

Discover Hovedstaden

Discover the wonders of Hovedstaden, Denmark's vibrant capital region, with our exclusive collection of must-see places and activities. Compiled by experts, this guide takes you off the beaten path and reveals a rich array of experiences. Discover the secrets of Copenhagen's enchanting Tivoli Gardens, marvel at the region's many world-class museums, and dine at world-famous Michelin-starred restaurants. Fancy a scenic adventure in the countryside? Our guide also offers a private glimpse into Hovedstaden's picturesque rural areas and historic towns. Whether you want to be enchanted by the region's castles, take an exhilarating bike ride along the breathtaking coastline, or go shopping on Europe's longest pedestrian street, Strøget, this collection has something for everyone. Dive in, ignite your wanderlust, and get ready to experience Hovedstaden like never before. Your Scandinavian adventure is waiting for you!

Destinations in Hovedstaden