Travel Guide
Shelly Beach

Uncover the hidden gem of Australia! Immerse yourself in serenity at Shelley Beach. Swim amidst turquoise waves, explore enigmatic rock formations, and dine beneath glittering stars - all in our captivating guide to this coastal paradise.
Quick Facts
Location Shelly Beach is located in New South Wales on the Central Coast of Australia.
Beach Type Shelly Beach is a sandy beach known for its surfing culture.
Golf Club The location boasts a popular golf club named Shelly Beach Golf Club.
Wildlife The area is known for its diverse marine life and bird species.
Nature Walks Nearby Wyrrabalong National Park offers scenic nature trails for hiking.
Accommodation Shelly Beach has various accommodations such as campgrounds, motels, and beachfront houses.
Water Activities Besides surfing, the beach is a popular place for fishing, swimming, and snorkeling.
Climate Shelly Beach enjoys a subtropical climate with pleasant, mild winters and warm summers.
Parking Ample parking is available at Shelly Beach, which is free for public use.
Safety Safety measures are maintained by the beach with regular life guarding services.
Shelly Beach

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