Geographical Location Winnipeg is the capital city of the province of Manitoba, Canada.
Population Winnipeg is the 7th most populous city in Canada with a population of about 749,500.
Multicultural City Winnipeg is a multicultural city, with over 100 ethnic groups speaking over 110 languages.
Climate Winnipeg is known for its extreme weather, with very cold winters and warm summers.
Historical Significance Winnipeg is at the heart of North America and its rich history originates from aboriginal peoples and European settlers.
Cultural Hub Winnipeg is recognized as the cultural hub of Manitoba, showcasing numerous art galleries, museums and theaters.
Sports Ice hockey is a significant sport in Winnipeg. The city is home to the NHL team, the Winnipeg Jets.
Festivities Winnipeg hosts the largest and oldest multicultural festival of its kind in the world, Folklorama.
Public Transportation Public transportation in Winnipeg is mainly served by buses through Winnipeg Transit.
Local Cuisine Winnipeg is known for its unique food items like bannock, tourtière, and Winnipeg-style rye bread.